
public enum DecodingError : Error, Equatable

Errors that can be thrown during decoding of a Base 32 encoded string.

  • The String to decode has invalid length. A string that should be decoded should have a length that is a multiple of 8 (e.g. 8 characters, 16, 24 … 80, 96, etc.)



    case invalidLength
  • Thrown when the encoded String contains illegal characters.

    Base 32 Encoding only supports a very limited set of legal characters to which data can be encoded to. If a given encoded String contains characters that are not part of this alphabet, this error is thrown.

    The error contains a Set of all the illegal Characters that were found.

    do {
        let decoded = try Base32.decode("1=======") // The character "1" is not a legal character
    } catch Base32.DecodingError.illegalCharactersFound(let illegalCharacters) {
        print("The given string can not be decoded because it contains illegal characters: \(illegalCharacters)")



    case illegalCharactersFound(Set<Character>)
  • Thrown when the encoded String contains one or more invalid padding characters (=).

    Padding characters are only allowed at the end of the encoded string and no other character is allowed to follow.


    • OK: "MZXQ===="
    • Not OK: "M=XQ===="



    case invalidPaddingCharacters
  • Thrown when reading the encoded String and no character can be found at position one or two even though it should exist.



    case missingCharacter